About Us

Welcome to Hoof to Heart EFL

Embark on Your Journey of Transformation

Step into Hoof to Heart Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL), where transformation begins from hoof to heart. Our mission is clear yet profound: to create a nurturing environment where individuals tap into the transformative potential of equine partnerships to pursue their goals.

Experience the Healing Power of Equine Companionship

In today’s overwhelming world, it’s easy to lose sight of our path. However, at Hoof to Heart EFL, we firmly believe in the profound healing and guiding influence of our remarkable equine companions. They serve not only as teachers but also as mirrors, reflecting our strengths and potential.

Your Journey Starts Here

Rooted in the understanding that within the herd, you’ll discover the strength and courage to navigate life’s challenges and a profound sense of self-belief and awareness. With our equine partners, you’ll embark on a journey of personal growth unlike any other.

Open Doors Policy

Recognising that life’s challenges affect us all, we extend our arms to everyone, regardless of age, race, gender, or ability. Whether you’re facing an obstacle or seeking guidance, our doors are open to you.

Join Us in Embracing Change

Ready to embrace change, foster resilience, and unlock your potential? Join us on this transformative journey. With our compassionate team and magnificent equine partners, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

Meet the team

Discover the Man Behind the Mission

Meet Jamie, dedicated founder of Hoof to Heart EFL and a certified Equine Facilitated Practitioner trained at Horse Haven UK. His journey with horses began in his early twenties through the charity Key4Life.

Located in Somerset, Key4Life supports disadvantaged young men at risk or who have encountered incarceration. During a challenging period at a YMCA hostel, Jamie grappled with mental health issues from childhood trauma. The pivotal ‘Unlock’ phase of the Key4Life program integrates horses, NLP coaches, and equine specialists, enabling participants to confront past traumas and unlock their potential.

For Jamie, the horses’ impact surpassed all other aspects of the program. Their genuine presence offered solace, wordlessly embracing him and creating a space without expectations other than connection. This profound experience ignited newfound joy and hope, marking a significant turning point.

Motivated by his journey, Jamie transitioned into a Key Mentor, supporting Key4Life’s Equine Program and guiding new cohorts. Drawing from his firsthand encounter with Equine Facilitation’s transformative power, he now aims to extend this opportunity to all, sharing the healing and growth that horses can facilitate.

Why We Use Horses

Horses have the extraordinary ability to touch the soul, heal the heart, and unlock the spirit.

Evolutionary Wisdom

Throughout their evolution, horses have honed an exceptional sensitivity to their environment, especially to the emotions and intentions of those nearby. As prey animals, their survival relied on sharp awareness of potential dangers. This acute perception naturally extends to interpreting subtle cues and body language, including that of humans.

Mirroring Emotion

One of the most extraordinary traits of horses is their ability to mirror human emotions. They excel at reflecting the feelings of those they engage with, offering invaluable feedback and understanding of our emotional well-being. This exceptional skill originates from their instinctual behaviour within the herd, where effective communication and comprehension are essential for preserving unity and security.

Social Dynamics

Within the herd, horses navigate complex social dynamics, relying on communication and empathy to establish relationships and hierarchies. Given our own social nature, this inherent social intelligence seamlessly translates to their interactions with humans, presenting profound opportunities for personal growth and self-awareness.

Transformative Experiences

The fusion of horses’ intuitive instincts with our experiential learning programs yields transformative journeys for individuals from diverse backgrounds and ages. Whether you’re pursuing personal growth, team cohesion, or therapeutic aid, our equine-assisted methodology provides a potent avenue for healing, education, and self-exploration.

Championing Growth

At Hoof to Heart EFL, we champion the profound influence of horses as partners in the voyage toward individual and interpersonal growth. Come along with us as we harness the wisdom and empathy of these remarkable creatures to achieve constructive transformations and foster genuine connections, hoof to heart.